From seasons to trends and latest innovations, dining options are being revamped as fast as consumer tastes and demands are changing. Finding inspiration to launch successful flavors, products or recipes can be a real challenge for chefs and companies that have to deal with the rapid replacement of products on the market and the logistics… Read more »
Back to Our Roots: Leading the Way in South America
PreGel continues to expand its presence around the world, and the latest is in Latin America with facilities, training programs and a network of distributors. The company recently opened a warehouse in Colonia, Uruguay, and is planning on launching one of its Professional Training Centers as it reaffirms its commitment with education and betterment of… Read more »
Take a Summer Flavorcation
Experience an Excursion of Tasty Treats from Across the Country California/West Coast Often setting trends that take the rest of the country by storm, the West Coast is known for its beautiful geography and beautiful people. Healthy items are at the top of the list for celebrities and locals alike in Los Angeles, CA, where… Read more »