Back to Our Roots: Around the World with PreGel

PreGel Locations

PreGel LocationsPreGel is the global leader in specialty dessert ingredients, and while superior product quality is most often attributed as a major factor for this position, all too often overlooked is its global access. PreGel can be found around the world, it has a presence virtually everywhere frozen desserts and delicious pastries are consumed. This global presence is one of the many winning features of this family-run business and to fully understand the companies reach is to take a peek at its many locations worldwide.

Today, PreGel is present in over 100 countries with a strong network of subsidiaries, distributors and importers. PreGel’s ten major subsidiaries include Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Poland, Holland, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Mexico and the United States. PreGel’s Italian headquarters is the main manufacturing plant and, research and development facility for all of PreGel’s products, but it has spread its wings and opened a second manufacturing plant at the company’s U.S. subsidiary, PreGel AMERICA. The company’s founder Dr. Rabboni is still very much involved in the day-to-day operations and the driving force of innovation for the company. For any small business, PreGel is the perfect case study for a small company gone global as the company still remains rooted by the principles it was developed out of.

From Australia to Wisconsin and Reggio Emilia to Brazil, PreGel’s reach is truly unmatched and a testament to the company’s commitment and dedication. To view all of the countries PreGel provides its products to visit