Fudge Too Cool to be Hot

In December of 2017, PreGel relaunched a product that may have been familiar to some of you, but there was still some mystery behind exactly what the product is.

Allow me to clarify…PreGel’s Pino Pinguino® was first presented to the U.S. market in 2009, though to some confusion. Though we at PreGel find it to be an amazing product (no bias here … seriously), and despite it being a best-selling ingredient all over Europe, Pino Pinguino® and its fun-loving penguin logo needed a bit more clarity stateside. So, here it is…
Simply put, Pino Pinguino® is fudge that’s too cool to be hot! In other words, Pino Pinguino® is a cold fudge product, and it’s pretty remarkable. Allow me to reintroduce the reasons why.

First of all, it keeps good company as part of PreGel’s Variegates, Toppings, & Coatings line. It’s cool in the sense that it offers a feeling of nostalgia, seeing as it is a fudge, and many Americans grew up eating hot fudge sundaes as a delicious part of childhood. The variety of flavors is also fantastic, and the product is impressively versatile. Here’s one notable characteristic, for example:
It stays soft in freezing temperatures!

To me, that alone is awesome, to say the very least. Imagine a layer of cold fudge in your favorite menu offerings that maintains a fresh, rich, thick, yet soft consistency. It does not melt the frozen treat like hot fudge has been said to do, turning a frozen dessert sundae into a sweet soup of sorts, and with Pino Pinguino®, it’s easy to ensure the fudge is evenly layered.
Did I mention it can be utilized to layer gelato pans, marbleize gelato, glaze gelato dome cakes, and be enjoyed as a standalone treat straight from the display case?

I don’t know about you, but with all these capabilities AND the fact that Pino Pinguino® is available in four different flavors, I would be eager to learn more about it. But don’t take my word for it. A very wise person once said—to loosely quote—believe nothing unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense … in this case, your business reason and common sense.
In my opinion, Pino Pinguino® cold fudge sauce (in any application) is the kind of specialty dessert ingredient that can easily produce an abundance of smiles.